ZingChart’s Ember 2.0 wrapper has two major updates. Check out what’s new and how it helps you include Ember charts in your project.

ember charts

The first change is the wrapper is now compatible with Ember versions 1.12 up to 2.4. This is what we tested, yet it is very possible our Ember charts wrapper is compatible with more versions.

The second change is a breaking change. The arguments for building a chart are no longer three arguments, but one. This change was made for simplicity and to reduce clutter in your views and controllers. This single argument is also consistent with the ZingChart syntax, because it takes a single JSON packet.

It went from

{{ember-zingchart chartData=myChartData renderOptions=myRenderOptions themeData=myThemeData}}

{{ember-zingchart renderOptions=myRenderOptions}}

Ember Charts 2.0

The new Ember charts wrapper was inspired by a pull request from Gastón Iván. He has really pointed out to us the importance of keeping our wrappers up to date (and our users happy). No framework should be left behind! No matter all the buzz you hear about Angular or React, each framework embraces its own community. Here at ZingChart, we want to keep our customers in these communities satisfied.

A good example of using Ember and ZingChart would be to display statistics on a user’s profile page. You could simply create a view for the charts you want to display in a user’s profile. Then you’d be all set for all users!

Ember Charts Demo

ember chart screenshot

You can see a simple “hello world” demo illustrating this component below using Ember 2.4.3. It is available in our Git repository.

More Ember Charts?

If you are new to Ember, new to ZingChart, or even new to both, we are open to questions! If you have any critiques or Ember Charts feature requests you can contact us by any of the following:

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