Download ZingChart Version 2.7.2 here.

New Features

  • New Scorecard type charts! Article

  • New Zoom style buttons! Demo1 Demo2

  • Added new parameter to specify file name when using exportimage api. Demo

  • OffsetX now works on tick objects.

  • Drag zooming now works if started on a node. Demo

  • fixed-items attribute now works on the default chart state.

  • New Angular 5 integration demo. Demo

  • New React JS integration demo. Demo

  • New Vue JS integration demo. Demo

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hooked labels not aligning properly on horizontal bar charts.

  • Fixed an edge case zooming bug when using preview and legend hover.

  • Fixed getdata to work in fullscreen mode.

  • Fixed zooming and appendseriesdata api causing charts to disappear.

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