Download ZingChart Version 2.7.1 here.

New Features

  • Added new scale label placement options. Demo

  • Added new Preview Scales format. Demo

  • Added crosshair timeout for mobile charts. Demo1

  • Added labels to be parsed on %kt and values to be parsed on %kv and %kt. Demo

Performance Features

  • Implemented performance updates on 3D systems.

  • Improved optimization for charts with large data sets.

  • Improved export server performance speed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed selection on individual bars with desktop/mobile.

  • Fixed animated gifs in the noData object.

  • Fixed Chord Diagram small white ghost cords.

  • Fixed png/pdf export failing in old IE versions in fullscreen mode.

  • Fixed scaleX tooltips that would not show up if values were set in scaleX object.

  • Fixed edge case where zooming in/out and hovering legend would sometimes leave unwanted lines on line charts.

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