Download ZingChart Version 2.7.0 here.

New Features

  • Improved preview window usability and feature improvements. Demo

  • New “Spark” theme available. Demo

  • Added new legend checkbox types. Demo1, Demo2, Demo3

  • Added show-zero attribute in the plot object to show zero percent in a pie chart. Demo

  • Added Singapore in the world countries map. Demo

  • Added feature to allow disabling right click context menu but still allowing the context menu to be opened with API calls. Demo

  • Made the scroll handle easier to click when zooming. Demo

Performance Features

  • Minor tweaks to library to improve performance with large datasets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where crosshair plot-area guide labels were not showing for series with only one point.

  • Fixed issue where noData attribute was not being applied via theme. Note: noData object is required in the main JSON for this to work. Demo

  • WordCloud charts are now forced to show all items regardless of the size of the chart. Demo

  • Fixed a ZingChart library console error associated with Chrome 65.

  • Fixed bug where the Valley county of Montana was missing.

  • Fixed issues with appendseriesvalues api.

  • Fixed issue where removenode method was not working if there was a null value.

  • Fixed phantomJS export bug where labels were not exported correctly.

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