The ZingChart team has been hard at work making important updates for our JavaScript visualization library. With this build, we’re releasing a new mobile charts plugin that allows for interactive touch gestures when JavaScript charts are viewed on mobile devices. Check out all the new updates for ZingChart, version 2.4.0.

JavaScript Visualization Updates

The new build, ZingChart 2.4.0, includes new features, updates, bug fixes, and documentation.

New Features

  • We created a new Mobile Charts Plugin that allows users to interact with and use touch gestures when reading JavaScript charts on mobile devices. The plugin is currently supported on bar, line, area, scatter, bubble, pie, and donut charts.

Updated Features

  • Enabled heat map scrolling on both x- and y-axes.

  • Enabled styling for legend scrollbar and handle.

  • Improved the logic on the following bar chart-related attributes:

    • "bar-space"
    • "bar-width"
    • "bars-overlap"
    • "bars-space-left"
    • "bars-space-right
  • Improved logic on box plot legend plotting so that only one legend item/marker is plotted if no data outlier is specified.

  • Improved data normalization on bubble charts so that if excess parameters are included in the "values" array, they are automatically omitted.

  • Introduced graphid parameter when calling showmenu API.

  • Added x and y parameters to the showmenu API to enable context menu positioning.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed addnode API method so that it works for 2D data sets and time-series data sets.

  • Fixed calendar charts. Learn more with the Calendar Charts Tutorial.

  • Fixed %npv token on standalone labels.

  • Fixed "wrap-text" attribute.

  • Removed default value boxes from nested pie charts.

  • Fixed scale-x.opposite items shift on zoom bug.

  • Fixed tooltip.wrap-text.

  • Fixed disappearing pie chart on continual legend click (canvas).

  • Fixed zoom-to-values so that on a graphset, it applies to all graphs in the graphset.

  • Fixed API showplot/hideplot and window re-size so that it doesn't lose legend state.

  • Fixed pie chart hover tooltip with window-resize.

  • Fixed scale-x.item.flat = false.

  • Fixed hideprogresslogo and crosshairX bug.

  • Fixed crosshairX so that it displays with multiple series containing null values.

  • Fixed dynamic margins on plotarea.

  • Fixed so that generated SVG validates against BasicSVG

  • Fixed inline HTML and getimagedata so that it parses/renders correctly.

Documentation Updates

Comments on these JavaScript Visualization Updates?

Upgrading is automatic if you’re evaluating ZingChart via our CDN, or you can download the new build to use locally. If you’re an existing customer, make sure to update your build by downloading and updating your library files. If you use a version number, be sure to change it to 2.4.0.

We always seek feedback when users upgrade to the latest version of ZingChart. Let us know what you think! We’re available by email, chat, or in the comments section below.

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