This month, we’re releasing a new feature that allows users to create responsive JavaScript charts that can be viewed across various desktop and mobile devices. We’re also happy to introduce logarithmic scales for the x-axis.

ZingChart Build 2.4.1

Our new build includes media rules for responsive charting, as well as updated features, bug fixes, and documentation.

New Media Rules for Responsive Charts

  • Media Rules allow you to create responsive charts that can be viewed across different desktop and mobile devices. Try interacting with the below responsive chart demo:

Updated Features

  • Logarithmic scales are now available on scaleX. Try interacting with the below responsive log-log graph demo:
  • Added zoom:false flag on zoomto API (to skip the actual zoom on chart)

  • Added cubic bezier curves; fixed curves on VML

  • Preview is set to live by default for the light and dark themes. Try interacting with the below responsive chart with preview.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed styles array bug

  • Updated time-series step values for month and year

  • Disabled the default hover-state on pareto

  • Fixed graphset layout not being reset on a setdata API call

  • Fixed graph height when absolute positioning is used and 'height' attribute is not provided

  • Fixed crosshair issues on [k, v] data with duplicate k values

  • Fixed bugs detecting plots via plotid param on showplot/hideplot API calls

  • Fixed selection issues

  • Legend fixes (bottom position no longer forces the layout)

  • Fixed guide issues (guide appearing on wrong chart when graphset has
    multiple charts)

  • Fixed bar dimensions when multiple key scales are used

  • Fixed tooltips on drilldown charts

  • API Methods appendseriesdata and setseriesdata properly toggle plot visibility

Documentation Updates

Try ZingChart Today

You can access ZingChart Build 2.4.1 here. Current customers should update to the new build by downloading and updating their libraries.

If you use a version number, be sure to change it to 2.4.1. Our team is always available to chat or can be contacted by email at We welcome your feedback and thoughts!

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