The beta launch of ZingChart for HTML5 is a pretty big deal. Why, should you care? Well if you currently build charts and graphs using either Flash or HTML/Canvas/SVG, we're preaching to the choir so go have fun.
HTML5 Beta
For the rest of you - here's a few pointers:
- HTML5 vs. Flash - there's a war going on out there, and it's far from over. Don't pick a side.
- iPad - If you're not developing for it, start.
- Performance - Regardless of what the fanboys say, there's no universal winner between Flash and HTML5.
- Flexibility - Decide when and where charts render in Flash or HTML5.
- Code once, render twice - Stop worrying about fall-back images or alternative content.
Download ZingChart 1.1 including HTML5 beta
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P.S. This is the first BETA of ZingChart for HTML5. There are some things missing, and you may come across some bugs. If so, help us out by contacting us at so we can make any necessary fixes.