We’ve been adding features to ZingChart nearly every month since it was released in 2009. Our latest addition to the release notes is worth toasting.


So, cheers to the ZingChart team… and read on to see the newest features we are now including in our charting library.

Improvements to existing ZingChart features

  • Increased rendering speed on 3d mesh display
  • Updates on multi-guide plugin to allow auto-labeling and possibility to edit marker labels
  • Speed updates


  • Added timezone option which, combined with utc option translates automatically the timestamps provided in the JSON. This lets you set a timezone offset. Before, you could only use local or UTC. Now you can adjust off of UTC and set individual time zones.

  • Added group-selections : true|[false] on plot to automatically select all nodes with same index as the selected node. Now by clicking on a single node, users can select all nodes at that index.

  • Added monotone:true|[false] as an option for the spline series. This lets you choose which math function is used to draw the spline for a given series.

  • Added mid-point : [true]|false option on line & area plots to set whether a node is wrapped equally before and after its position or not. Before this build, a node extended beyond the marker. Now, you can use this attribute to set a node’s mid-point offset.

  • Added getobjectinfo API

  • Added option for all shapes to be displayed in a 3d environment

  • Added SVG export option

  • Created rule & annotation APIs

  • Added option to allow area regions to become active regions and trigger node events

  • Added option to position tooltips and guide labels at fixed x/y locations

  • Added async functionality to preview component

  • Added new maps:

  • Afghanistan

  • Angola

  • Armenia

  • Azerbaijan

  • Benin

  • Bhutan

  • Bolivia

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Botswana

  • Brunei Darussalam

  • Burkina Faso

  • Burundi

  • Cameroon

  • Canada

  • Central African Republic

  • Chile

  • Colombia

  • Congo

  • Costa Rica

  • Cộte d’Ivoire

  • Cuba

  • Ecuador

  • Egypt

  • France (with regions)

  • French Guyana

  • Gabon

  • Gambia

  • Ghana

  • Great Britain (with regions)

  • Guatemala

  • Guinea-Bissau

  • Guyana

  • Iran

  • Japan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kenya

  • Kuwait

  • Lao

  • Liberia

  • Macedonia

  • Mexico

  • Moldova

  • Montenegro

  • Mozambique

  • Namibia

  • Netherlands

  • New Caledonia

  • Nigeria

  • Oman

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Peru

  • Philippines

  • Qatar

  • Russia

  • Rwanda

  • Senegal

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia

  • South Africa

  • Suriname

  • Sweden

  • Taiwan

  • Tajikistan

  • Thailand

  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Tunisia

  • Turkey

  • Uganda

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Uruguay

  • Uzbekistan

  • Vietnam

  • Yemen

  • Zambia

  • Zimbabwe

  • Made JavaScript rules as base attributes. This adds support for combined tooltips when markers from multiple series are close in proximity.

  • Added JavaScript rules as an item inside the rules collection. Before, you had to use rules to set certain styling options. Now you can add a JavaScript function instead of setting a rule and related attributes.


  • Fixed grid module on IE67
  • Fixed rankflow chart bugs
  • Fixed crosshair bugs on multi-graph charts
  • Fixed positioning of preview handlers
  • Fixed fast mode on spline series starting with null values
  • Fixed offset-values behavior when using negative numbers
  • Fixed floating point issues on scales (-0.3:0.1:0.1)
  • Improvements on scale
  • Fixes on bubble charts when scale have just one value

Try It Out

You’ve read all the news about ZingChart, now give the latest build a try! Let us know what you think in the comments.

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